General Terms and Services
King Corporate Imaging LLC (KCI LLC) publishes the Hitching Post as a service to our community and local businesses. Please review our general terms and contact us with any questions.
Articles and Ads are first come first served.
Payment up front
- To reserves space
Issue month specific
Non-refundable once secured
May pull ad or article prior to print
Ads/Articles non-transferable
Delay in publication may incur addition space fee
- Partial refunds at discretion of KCI
(Close to deadline, find replacement ad/article and circumstances, work completed)
2. All articles and ads provided by KCI will be sent for approval/review by client prior to print.
- Client responsible to ensure all content and layout is correct
If client fails to review by deadline
Ads/Articles printed as is after reviewed by staff and editors
3. Articles
- Articles written by client or company considered ads
Must be approved by KCI LLC
Charged at ad price
Includes extreme corporate/business edits
- Article written in writers’ perspective
We maintain a fiduciary duty to client’s brand
as well as communities served against unsubstantiated
claims, services etc.
4. Setup fee waived at discretion of KCI
- Business that carries HP
Or receive credit towards extensive layouts
Relative to detail of service/layout requests
- Client provides ad layout
3rd party layouts must be approved by KCI LLC
5. KCI reserves the right to refuse any article, ad and claims thereof
Not representative of our brand, service or community
6. Customer to provide
- JPEG or PNG images of logos, products, services etc.
- Detailed “copy” of deals, discounts, promotions
- List of specified article/ad points
- Applicable contact information, website and social media
- KCI LLC can provide logo design, photography services etc. for additional fee
*Products or samples thereof being reviewed
Agreed upon by KCI/Client
**Article concerning food, venue or events etc.
At client’s discretion
Shall provide dishes, samples etc. to be reviewed
No cost to KCI LLC
***Event Venue
2 complimentary event/venue tickets
With journalist access
Acceptable viewing for photos
Contact for IAAP Credentials
Food/drink or relative services
Or reimbursed for expenses within 48 hours
Value to be agreed upon by client and KCI
Failure to reimburse 10% charge added per week
Article/Ad not published till (applicable penalty) payment received